www.aau.org |
Association of African
Universities – Voice of Higher Education in Africa |
www.achpr.org |
African Commission on Human and
Peoples' Rights - The African Charter established the African
Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. The Commission was inaugurated
on 2 November 1987 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Commission’s
Secretariat has subsequently been located in Banjul, The Gambia.In
addition to performing any other tasks which may be entrusted to it by
the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, the Commission is
officially charged with three major functions: |
www.adinkra.org |
Adinkra Symbols of West Africa -
An illustrated guide to the African symbols called Adinkra used in
Ghana, West Africa, with an adinkra index and high-quality adinkra
images. |
www.afdb.org |
African Development Bank -
Building today, a better Africa tomorrow |
www.africabib.org |
AfricaBib Home |
www.africacheck.org |
Africa Check | Sorting fact from
fiction - Africa's first independent fact-checking organisation.
Launched in 2012 to promote accuracy in public debate & keep politicians
honest. |
www.africacte.org |
Accueil |
www.africanarguments.org |
African Arguments |
www.africanleadershipacad... |
African Leadership Academy -
African leadership Academy develops the next generation of Africa's
leaders. |
www.africanlii.org |
African Legal Information
Institute | Access and Shape African Law |
www.africaportal.org |
Africa Portal - The Africa
Portal is a research repository and an expert analysis hub on African
affairs. |
www.africarice.org |
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice)
Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) Africa Rice Center (AfricaRice) Africa
Rice Center (AfricaRice) AfricaRice in the news Africa Rice Center
(AfricaRice) - AfricaRice is a leading pan-African rice research
organization committed to improving livelihoods in Africa through strong
science and effective partnerships. AfricaRice covers 24 member
countries across Africa. AfricaRice is a CGIAR Consortium Research
Center. |
www.africatouroperators.org |
Africa Tour Operators, African
Safari Companies, Travel Agents |
www.africatwinclub.org |
Il punto di riferimento per gli
amanti della regina del deserto, l'Africa Twin. |
www.afromix.org |
The Portal of African and
Caribbean Cultures : news, music, arts and culture, society, travel -
The Portal of African and Caribbean Cultures : news, music, arts and
culture, society, travel |
www.afropop.org |
Afropop Worldwide | Afropop
Worldwide is a Peabody award-winning radio program, podcast and online
magazine dedicated to music from Africa and the African diaspora. |
www.aidforafrica.org |
Aid for Africa - Aid for Africa
is a charity alliance of U.S.-based nonprofits and their African
partners working to help children, families, and communities throughout
Sub-Saharan Africa. |
www.allangrayorbis.org |
Allan Gray Orbis Foundation |
Dedicated to Entrepreneurship Development - The Allan Gray Orbis
Foundation invests in the education and development of individuals with
entrepreneurial potential within Southern Africa. |
www.amazighworld.org |
Amazigh World, Lorsque l'Afrique
du Nord parle d'elle même et dit Tamazgha mon nom - Amazigh- windows on
the Amazigh (berber) world : culture, music, human rights, amazigh
studies, gallery, communication, all about imazighen (berbers) in North
Africa |
www.anglicanchurchsa.org |
Anglican Church of Southern
Africa |
www.animationsa.org |
Animation South Africa |
www.apopo.org |
APOPO | Training rats to save
lives - APOPO is a non-profit organization that trains African giant
pouched rats to save lives by detecting landmines and tuberculosis. |
www.avca-africa.org |
AVCA | Home |
www.awdf.org |
The African Women's Development
Fund (AWDF) – …for African women to live in a world in which there is
social justice, equality and respect for women’s human rights. |
www.awf.org |
African Wildlife Foundation |
www.buala.org |
BUALA - Portal multidisciplinar
de reflexão, crítica e documentação das culturas africanas
contemporâneas em língua portuguesa, com produção de textos e traduções
em francês e inglês. |
www.burundi-agnews.org |
Nouvelles du Burundi - Africa
Generation News - Burundi - Burundi |
www.capewestcoast.org |
Welcome to the Cape West Coast,
South Africa |
www.cie-mia.org |
Accueil - Le Centre International
d'Evangélisation / Mission Intérieure Africaine est un ministère
chrétien d'évangélisation, d'enseignement de la Parole de Dieu,
d'Intercession, de Compassion et de Mission basé à Ouagadougou, Burkina
Faso.The International Center for Evangelism / African Internal Mission
(CIE / MIA) is a ministry of Evangelization, Teaching, Intercession,
Compassion and Mission in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. |
www.claiminghumanrights.org |
Claiming Human Rights in Africa |
www.codesria.org |
CODESRIA - The Council for the
Development of Social Science Research in Africa is headquartered in
Dakar Senegal. It was established in 1973 as an (...) |
www.daghewardmills.org |
Bishop Dag Heward-Mills |
www.ecdpm.org |
ECDPM Home: The European Centre
for Development Policy Management - ECDPM is a think and do tank. Our
main goal is to broker effective development partnerships between the EU
and the Global South, particularly Africa. |
www.elewa.org |
ELEWA - Knowledge to develop
Africa |
www.enoughproject.org |
The Enough Project - We're
working to create real consequences for the perpetrators and
facilitators of genocide and other mass atrocities in Africa’s deadliest
conflict zones. |
www.experienceeducate.org |
Educate! | Preparing youth in
Africa with the skills to succeed in today’s economy. - Educate!
prepares youth in Africa with the skills to succeed in today’s economy.
We tackle youth unemployment by partnering with schools and governments
to reform what schools teach and how they teach it, so that students in
Africa have the skills to start businesses, get jobs, and drive
development in their communities. |
www.farmafrica.org |
Farm Africa - Farm Africa is an
innovative charity that reduces poverty by unleashing African farmers’
abilities to grow their incomes in an environmentally sustainable way. |
www.greenafricadirectory.org |
Green Africa Directory -
Africa's environmental and sustainability network - Africa's
environmental and sustainability network |
www.handinhand-ea.org |
Hand in Hand EA Hand in Hand EA
Felix - Hand in Hand Eastern Africa was founded |
www.healthable.org |
Healthtian - Your Health and
Lifestyle Magazine - Healthtian is africa's largest health and lifestyle
magazine bringing you curated news, expertly research articles and many
more... |
www.helpforafricanstudents.org |
Helpforafricanstudents |
www.helvetas.org |
Helvetas | Swiss organization -
Helvetas is an independent Swiss organization that is building capacity
in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. We bring real |
www.identitynumber.org |
South African Identity Number
Verification | Genealogy | Family Tree | Lineage | Ancestry -
identitynumber.org - Search records for your South African ancestors.
Create your family tree. Protect yourself against scams and fraud and
verify an identity number online for free online. |
www.indegoafrica.org |
Indego Africa - Handcrafted
design. Time-honored techniques. Genuine artisan skill. 100% of profits
fund education for women and youth. |
www.inyathelo.org |
Inyathelo | The South African
Institute for Advancement - Inyathelo's vision is a vibrant democracy in
South Africa with a robust and sustainable civil society supported by a
strong local philanthropic movement, rooted in the African cultural
heritage of sharing. |
www.irinnews.org |
The New Humanitarian •
humanitarian news and analysis from Africa, Asia and the Middle East -
updated daily | The New Humanitarian TNH_LOGO_Primary_K_Burgundy_RGB |
www.irisglobal.org |
Iris Global | Missionary NGO to
Mozambique, Africa & the World, Sponsor a Child, School for Ministry
Facebook icon Instagram icon Twitter icon YouTube icon - The primary
mission of Iris Global as a family is to seek the face of God with all
our hearts, that we might glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. We proclaim
Jesus. He is our salvation, our prize, our reward, our inheritance, our
destination, our motivation, our joy, wisdom and sanctification — and
absolutely everything else we need, now and forever. |
www.issafrica.org |
ISS Africa feature-5
icon-printer logo logo-ch logo-fr - The ISS is an African organisation
which enhances human security by providing authoritative research,
expert policy advice and capacity building. |
www.kabissa.org |
The Kabissa Legacy - Kabissa
Legacy - kb2 - Kabissa was a non-profit organization that existed
between 1999 and 2018. Its mission was to help African civil society
organizations put ICT to work for the benefit of their communities.
Kabissa provided internet ser… |
www.kickstart.org |
KickStart International - A
non-profit social enterprise focused on lifting millions of African
farmers out of poverty by helping them to establish profitable
businesses. |
www.lecames.org |
CAMES - Conseil Africain et
Malgache pour l'Enseignement Supérieur |
www.mastercardfdn.org |
Mastercard Foundation Mastercard
Foundation - The Mastercard Foundation seeks a world where everyone has
the opportunity to learn and prosper. Our focus is helping young people
in Africa access opportunity by advancing education and financial
inclusion. |
www.mywage.org |
Jobs, Labour Laws, Salary
Surveys, Salary Checks in Southern Africa - Mywage.com - Mywage.org -
find out about Jobs, Labour Laws, Leave, Maternity Leave, How to write
CVs, How to Find Work and more at Mywage.org |
www.newsofafrica.org |
News of Africa - Online
Entertainment - Gossip - Celebrity Newspaper - Breaking News - Africa's
#1 Entertainment, Celebrity & Gossip News - Africa's #1 Entertainment,
Celebrity & Gossip News NewsofAfrica is African News and Daily
Newspaper. News of Africa - Online African News - Daily Newspaper -
Breaking News |
www.ngopulse.org |
NGO Pulse | - NGO Vacancies and
News provided by SANGONeT. SANGONeT is still one of very few
non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Africa involved in the field of
information communication technologies (ICTs) and continues to serve
civil society with a wide range of ICT products and services. The NGO
Pulse Portal is a strategic response to the challenges facing the local
NGO sector. It is the culmination of SANGONeT’s years of experience of
working in the online environment. |
www.opendataforafrica.org |
Africa Information Highway
Portal - Africa Information Highway Portal |
www.osisa.org |
The Open Society Initiative for
Southern Africa (OSISA) - The Open Society Initiative for Southern
Africa - OSISA is part of the global network of Open Society Foundations
- OSF & operates in 11 southern africa countries |
www.our-africa.org |
Our-africa |
www.pan-africanparliament... |
y actualidad |
www.peaceau.org |
Ending conflicts, sustaining
peace - African Union - Peace and Security Department - African Union,
Peace and Security Department, ending conflicts, sustaining peace,
Amisom, Somalia, Lybia, Sudan, Côte d'Ivoire, Rwanda, South Africa, ASF,
Conflict management, Peace support operations, map of African Union
field missions, Make peace Happen, resource on peace, document,
download, resolution, treaty, policy, declaration, resolution,
communique, video, report, diplomacy, for peace in africa |
www.pilanesbergnationalpa... |
Pilanesberg National Park & Game
Reserve - Pilanesberg is home to the Big 5, along with an abundance of
flora and fauna. This Game Reserve in South Africa is every wildlife
enthusiasts dream. |
www.pray4zion.org |
Pray4Zion is a South African
Christian organization committed to encouraging and Standing with the
Nation of Israel. We believe that God has called us for 'a time such as
this' and as an instrument of the Lord we genenerously assist and
support the underpriviledged in Israel. - We have a wealth of Bible
based information on God's plan for Israel. Regular updated interesting
articles that explain the reasons why Christians should bless Israel,
prayerfully and financially support Israel, and what is happening in
Israel. |
www.samilitaryhistory.org |
South African Military History
Society - Title page - Society for the study of Military History
relating to South Africa and the World |
www.sanparks.org |
South African National Parks -
SANParks - Accommodation, Activities, Prices,
Reservations - Official Website. Experience the beauty and diversity of
South African National Parks, Travel and explore South Africa! Nature
Conservation, Accommodation, Activities, Reservations |
www.sesotho.org |
Sesotho Online - information on
the Southern African language Sesotho (Southern Sotho) - The African
language Sesotho or Southern Sotho. Information on the origins and
structure of the language. |
www.sheleadsafrica.org |
She Leads Africa: Business +
career for young African women - She Leads Africa is the #1 destination
for young African women looking to build successful careers or
businesses. Advice, inspiration, opportunities & more. |
www.shelterafrique.org |
Shelter Afrique | Financing
affordable housing in Africa |
www.shutha.org |
Shutha | Shutha - Shutha.org is
a free online resource aimed at enabling photo-journalists from Africa
and the Majority World to understand, access and produce for local and
international markets. Built on a Creative Commons licence, Shutha is
both intended for use by African academic and training institutions, as
well as individuals who can undergo the programme of training in their
own time and at their own pace. No registration and no fees are payable.
All that is required is some form of Internet connectivity. |
www.socialnetlink.org |
Socialnetlink, le lien vers
l'actu IT africaine et des startups - - Socialnetlink, Afrique IT News
and startups |
www.techwomen.org |
TechWomen — TechWomen is an
Initiative of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and
Cultural Affairs - TechWomen connects, inspires and empowers the next
generation of women leaders in STEM fields from the Middle East and
Africa through project-based mentorship and leadership training in
Silicon Valley. |
www.theafricanculturalexch... |
The African Cultural Exchange The
African Cultural Exchange |
www.thewaterproject.org |
The Water Project - A Charity
Providing Access to Clean Water in Africa - The Water Project is a
charity that provides access to clean, safe and reliable water and
sanitation solutions across sub-Saharan Africa, one village at a time. |
www.thp.org |
The Hunger Project: Empowering
People to End Their Own Hunger - Hunger Project programs throughout
Africa, South Asia and Latin America are based on an innovative,
holistic approach, which empowers women and men to make sustainable
progress in overcoming hunger and poverty. |
www.uneca.org |
United Nations Economic
Commission for Africa |
www.villagevolunteers.org |
Volunteer Abroad in Asia and
Africa with Village Volunteers - Volunteer Abroad in Asia and Africa or
donate in support of Sustainable Solutions to Community Challenges
through Village Volunteers |
www.wadr.org |
WADR - The West Africa Democracy
Radio (WADR) is a trans-territorial, sub-regional radio station based in
Dakar, Senegal. WADR was established in 2005 as a project of the Open
Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) to among other things protect
and defend the ideals of democratic and open societies by disseminating
development information through a network of community radios in the
West African sub-region. |
www.worldhunger.org |
Latest News on Hunger in US,
Africa, Asia, Global - World Hunger News - Since 1976 World Hunger
Education Service has helped Fight Hunger Through Knowledge as a
resource of information & policy guidance. We will end world hunger |
www.youthhubafrica.org |
YouthhubAfrica |